Georgia Amison - Direct Nutrition

Georgia Amison

[Insert Picture]

2016 Sponsored Athlete

Age: ?

Twitter: @

Instagram: @


What inspired you to start swimming? 

Favourite place to swim and why? 

Favourite post-swim meal? What are your favourite Direct Nutrition products? P

What is it about the Direct Nutrition products that you like? T

How and when do you use the Direct Nutrition products? 

What is your advice to anyone who wants to become a top level swimmer? 

Who is your swimming hero and why? 

Do you have a nickname?

How do you take your coffee? Latte, flat white, espresso etc..

Favourite music? 

Favourite film? 

Favourite race and why? ace.

What has been your proudest moment within your time swimming? 

What was your first swim like? I

Have you got a secret skill or party-piece? If so what is it? 

What would your go to karaoke song be? 

Most embarrassing moment during your time swimming? 

If you weren't a swimmer what would you be doing instead? 

What is the one thing in the world you couldn't live without? 

If you could have one super power what would it be? 

Would you rather have more time or more money?